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chill out例句
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After raves, we used to chill out in each others' bedrooms.


He shuffled off to one of the chill-out rooms to collect his thoughts.


Let's just do a bong hit and chill out, okay?

外面开始凉了,我们去生火, 好 吗 ?

chill out and think about this, okay ?

冷静一下再想想发生了什么 如何 ?

Will you two please hurry it up? - Oh, chill out. chill out.

你们俩能快一点 吗 ? -- 哦, 别急, 别急.

He chooses to chill out in his beach house.


Chill - out lounges started to appear at raves during the '90 s.


Ladies & Gentlemen, pick a wine and chill - out together!

女士先生们, 手握酒杯尽情欢聚吧!

I like to chill out at the cafe with a book sometimes.


chill out, I'm just checking.

冷静, 我只是在检查.

Will you chill out?

沉住气好 吗 ?

chill out, watch a movie, you know ?

放松一下, 看一部电影什么的 吧 ?

You need chill out a little bit , buddy.

你需要好好冷静一下了, 伙计!

Great for chill - out beaches and mountain hiking.


Dad: chill out boy , we are in the wild.

爸爸: 荒郊野外,将就一点嘛.

"chill out"的基本信息





